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November Newsletter

Dance Expressions


Thursday November 21st ~ DEBE Christmas Cookie Social

Friday November 22nd-24th ~ NUVO

Monday November 25th-30th ~ Thanksgiving Break

December 13th-19th ~ Celebrate the Season

December 20th-January 2nd ~ Winter Break



A Message From Miss Erica:

It's so hard to believe we are already in our third month of the season. I tend to reflect a lot over the course of this particular month with the theme being giving thanks & my emotions always seem to get the best of me. I am tearing up as I type this, because I truly feel unbelievably blessed & more so this year than ever before. One of my goals for 2019 was to work on our culture here, and I am very proud of what we are creating together at DEBE this season. The camaraderie, enthusiasm & positivity has been exceptional and I appreciate the students, teachers and parents for adopting my philosophy and vision. The inspiration within our four walls is remarkable. The dedication of our dancers & the endless support of their parents is uplifting & something very special!!

Dance Moms and Dads....I SEE YOU!

Hustling your troops from one activity to the next, juggling meals in-between carpools, trying to match lost Jazz shoes, all the homework, the projects, the fundraisers, bath time, bedtime... I want you to know that we appreciate all you do. Thank you for letting us share the beauty of dance with your children. It is truly an honor & brings us all so much happiness.





We have a few *NEW* arrivals to check out and some of our favorite items from last season!

To make your DEBE Merch Order, please go to!

Orders must be placed & paid in full by November 25th to receive items by December 19th.



  • Keep up the great attendance & email us if you won't be able to make it in.

  • Make sure you have all the correct shoes for each class. Email us with questions!

  • Check our Facebook page for closings due to weather.

  • Make sure to layer up as the days get colder. Do not wait for rides outside. Stay inside the building.

  • Costumes are ordered! Photo Shoot is January 27th-February 1st. Photo Shoot is optional, however it is scheduled during or around your regular class time. Photo shoot fees are $15/costume and due January 1st.

  • We are still accepting students into our Xplore and Xpress programs! We are also extending our Refer a Friend promotion.

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